Saturday, March 8, 2014


God never removes something or someone from our lives ...
unless God intends to reveal to us more about Who God is or who we are . 
Jesus talked in John chapter 8 about Truth that sets us free. Verse 32 says :"You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." 
Jesus meant know the truth about sin.
But how can lack of knowledge about sin cause us to not be "free"? 
That's the whole problem . 
Sin today is whatever I (or you or anyone) defines as sin . 
Thus the remedy for sin is determined by how the individual wishes to get rid of or cover up sin --not by truth. 
Truth (if considered at all) is what the person believes to be true. The concept of "absolute" truth seems archaic at best and intolerant and repressive of individual "rights of conscience ." 
How about you? 
Are you free? 
Or living in self deception? 
Do you value "honor" above "truth"? (Would you remain locked into your wrong beliefs about God, sin and self if to change required you to suffer loss of something you
want more than freedom?)
Adam , the first man, acted on
a lie from Satan that Adam could determine for himself what is truth independently of God.
Loss of relationship to God was the result ; "death" , not greater "freedom" was the result. 
Next post: 
HOW can the "truth" set you free? 
WHAT or WHO is truth? 

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