I read in Mark's Gospel an interesting account about 'touching'. Mark 5:22-34 records what at a first reading seems to be two stories sandwiched together. Let's take a look.
One of the synagogue officials named Jairus came up, and on seeing Him, fell at His feet and implored
The first thing I noticed as I read this passage was the different method that Jairus and the woman approached Jesus. Jairus, a ruler of a synagogue, was an important religious man.
Now however a very strange thing happens..a woman who had sometime heard Jesus speak and knew about Him purposed to go and touch His garment. Sounds a little odd, yes? Would you like someone in the shopping mall to sneak up behind you and try and secretly touch your jacket? In fact this woman was also in a desperate condition. Sick for 12 years with the same illness that the doctors were unable to heal.. and no money left to even try again. Maybe some of you can relate to this? So why did she want to touch the cloak of Jesus? To understand this, we need to know what the Jews believed about the promis

Let us not miss an important detail here in the story. Jairus came and knelt in front of Jesus. Kneeling showed that Jairus also believed Jesus had power to heal. But the woman? Why did she not come and stand in front of Jesus and tell Him her desperate need? To fully understand this, take some time to read in the Old Testament book of Leviticus about the form of uncleanness caused by the condition this woman had which is called 'an issue of blood'. Leviticus is a book that gives details of how the people were to live under the Law of God. God is holy and cannot be approached unless a person is perfect morally. The only exception is to use a substitute sacrifice. Different types of sin problems required different types of sacrifice. Even unintentional sins required a sacrifice! [see Leviticus 4] So is Jesus saying this poor woman who is sick through no fault of her own requires a sacrifice for sin? Well according to Leviticus her condition automatically limited her involvement in her society. Once the bleeding stopped, she could then go to the priest and offer a sacrifice for her sins...Under the Law this woman had no hope. Unclean persons were also capable of transferring their uncleanness to another. This gets pretty messy, yes? So the struggle in her mind to even attempt to touch Jesus must have been a great struggle. Certainly she should not just go to Him and kneel in front of Him.. and let everyone know that she, an unclean person, had just touched Jesus!
Jesus was not going to allow this to pass unnoticed. He began looking for the woman. Did she have guilt written on her face? Joy? She had been delivered from her affliction. Not a word was said. She had not brought anything with her to offer as a sacrifice if she were healed. In fear and trembling, she came to the front of Jesus this time and began pouring out her life story. Wow. Jesus never asked for this, did He? I think when their eyes met, He was pure compassion and grace. No Law here. No anger or disgust or condemnation for her sin. In fact had not Jesus said "I came to save sinners, not the righteous"? Mark 2:17 NASB says:
I think it must have been very healing for this woman to pour out her troubles to Someone Who really listened.. Who really understood her pain..
Then Jesus speaks those words of pure grace, doing for her what the Law could not do.. making her clean and healing not only her body but her soul hurts and forgiving her sins. 'Saved' when used in the Bible means saved from both the penalty and power of sin.
Let's review: How was she healed? By the good works she did? No, she came in faith. Faith and trust that the One prophesied years ago in Genesis 3:15 would come and redeem her life and give her a new life and life everlasting. She touched Him. He responded in Grace and Truth. Jesus said He came to fulfill the Law. Not to do away with the Law. The Old Testament Law as in Leviticus has always pointed forward to that time when there would come the Perfect Lamb of God, slain before the foundations of the world. The perfect God-Man mediator of a blood covenant that forever removed the wrath of God from all who repent and trust in Jesus' death as sufficient to deal with their sins.
How about you? Have you experienced the Touch of Grace?
Touched today by His grace,
Auntie Ann
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