Thursday, April 15, 2010

GRACE: The Healing Touch

Today I am remembering. Two years ago my dad died four days short of his 92nd birthday. I was privileged to spend some time with him just before he died. I noticed Dad really wanted to be touched and his hand grip was as firm as ever. But he was not holding on to this life! During his last moments of mental clarity he was alert, smiling and blowing us kisses. The joy and peace on his face was radiant. He was seeing the unseen as seen. Yes it was very hard to say those last words. But they were words of "see you later, Dad". We did not say : Good Bye.
I read in Mark's Gospel an interesting account about 'touching'. Mark 5:22-34 records what at a first reading seems to be two stories sandwiched together. Let's take a look.
One of the synagogue officials named Jairus came up, and on seeing Him, fell at His feet and implored Him earnestly, saying, "My little daughter is at the point of death; please come and lay Your hands on her, so that she will get well and live." And He went off with him; and a large crowd was following Him and pressing in on Him. A woman who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years, and had endured much at the hands of many physicians, and had spent all that she had and was not helped at all, but rather had grown worseafter hearing about Jesus, she came up in the crowd behind Him and touched His cloak. For she thought, "If I just touch His garments, I will get well." Immediately the flow of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction. Immediately Jesus, perceiving in Himself that the power proceeding from Him had gone forth, turned around in the crowd and said, "Who touched My garments?" And His disciples said to Him, "You see the crowd pressing in on You, and You say, 'Who touched Me?'" And He looked around to see the woman who had done this. But the woman fearing and trembling, aware of what had happened to her, came and fell down before Him and told Him the whole truth. And He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your affliction." NASB

The first thing I noticed as I read this passage was the different method that Jairus and the woman approached Jesus. Jairus, a ruler of a synagogue, was an important religious man.
Kneeling in front of Jesus, Jairus implored Jesus to come help with his desperately sick daughter. Those of you who are parents can only imagine his urgency. Everyone saw Jairus do this. I don't know what Jesus had planned for this day, but He also realized He needed to right away go with Jairus. There is a large crowd pressing in all directions around Jesus. Maybe many others had needs they wished to bring to Jesus.
Now however a very strange thing happens..a woman who had sometime heard Jesus speak and knew about Him purposed to go and touch His garment. Sounds a little odd, yes? Would you like someone in the shopping mall to sneak up behind you and try and secretly touch your jacket? In fact this woman was also in a desperate condition. Sick for 12 years with the same illness that the doctors were unable to heal.. and no money left to even try again. Maybe some of you can relate to this? So why did she want to touch the cloak of Jesus? To understand this, we need to know what the Jews believed about the promis
ed Messiah. He would be able to heal diseases. The words translated 'be made well' actually mean 'save'. But more of this later! Rabbis wore an outer scarf like garment which had tassels on the ends. It was believed that if a person touched the tassels of the Messiah's scarf, they would be miraculously healed. Amazingly she touched Jesus clothes and felt instantly that she was healed! You would have thought she would have exclaimed in a loud voice: Praise God! But she just fades back into the crowd, apparently unnoticed. Only Someone did notice her. Intent as He was in going with Jairus to help him, Jesus pulled up short and said a really strange thing: Who touched Me? His followers thought He was crazy. Have you ever been to an outdoor market, or large sporting event or a county fair and people are bumping into one another? All kinds of people were jostling against Jesus. But Jesus knew this was no ordinary touch. This touch pulled out from Him His divine power to heal! It was a touch of faith. Trust that He was the Messiah, sent from God to usher in a new kingdom. He had been teaching about the Kingdom of God. She had heard that one must come into this Kingdom by a means called the 'new birth'. There was a rumor that an important Pharisee named Nicodemus had visited the Rabbi at night to ask more about this new Kingdom.
Let us not miss an important detail here in the story. Jairus came and knelt in front of Jesus. Kneeling showed that Jairus also believed Jesus had power to heal. But the woman? Why did she not come and stand in front of Jesus and tell Him her desperate need? To fully understand this, take some time to read in the Old Testament book of Leviticus about the form of uncleanness caused by the condition this woman had which is called 'an issue of blood'. Leviticus is a book that gives details of how the people were to live under the Law of God. God is holy and cannot be approached unless a person is perfect morally. The only exception is to use a substitute sacrifice. Different types of sin problems required different types of sacrifice. Even unintentional sins required a sacrifice! [see Leviticus 4] So is Jesus saying this poor woman who is sick through no fault of her own requires a sacrifice for sin? Well according to Leviticus her condition automatically limited her involvement in her society. Once the bleeding stopped, she could then go to the priest and offer a sacrifice for her sins...Under the Law this woman had no hope. Unclean persons were also capable of transferring their uncleanness to another. This gets pretty messy, yes? So the struggle in her mind to even attempt to touch Jesus must have been a great struggle. Certainly she should not just go to Him and kneel in front of Him.. and let everyone know that she, an unclean person, had just touched Jesus!
Jesus was not going to allow this to pass unnoticed. He began looking for the woman. Did she have guilt written on her face? Joy? She had been delivered from her affliction. Not a word was said. She had not brought anything with her to offer as a sacrifice if she were healed. In fear and trembling, she came to the front of Jesus this time and began pouring out her life story. Wow. Jesus never asked for this, did He? I think when their eyes met, He was pure compassion and grace. No Law here. No anger or disgust or condemnation for her sin. In fact had not Jesus said "I came to save sinners, not the righteous"? Mark 2:17 NASB says:
And hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
I think it must have been very healing for this woman to pour out her troubles to Someone Who really listened.. Who really understood her pain..
Then Jesus speaks those words of pure grace, doing for her what the Law could not do.. making her clean and healing not only her body but her soul hurts and forgiving her sins. 'Saved' when used in the Bible means saved from both the penalty and power of sin.
Let's review: How was she healed? By the good works she did? No, she came in faith. Faith and trust that the One prophesied years ago in Genesis 3:15 would come and redeem her life and give her a new life and life everlasting. She touched Him. He responded in Grace and Truth. Jesus said He came to fulfill the Law. Not to do away with the Law. The Old Testament Law as in Leviticus has always pointed forward to that time when there would come the Perfect Lamb of God, slain before the foundations of the world. The perfect God-Man mediator of a blood covenant that forever removed the wrath of God from all who repent and trust in Jesus' death as sufficient to deal with their sins.
How about you? Have you experienced the Touch of Grace?
Touched today by His grace,
Auntie Ann

Monday, March 15, 2010

Kiss the Son.. He Who Honors the Son Honors the Father

Hello and Happy Spring to You All!

Spring this year has come to the desert in a wonderful way. I was outside enjoying the sunshine and a gentle breeze caressed my cheeks. It felt much like when my finger would touch the cheek of my sleeping young son. I felt the kiss of God as He whispered in my ear: At the cross Grace Kissed Law and said "It is finished!" Christ Jesus poured out His life blood as an atoning sacrifice that we might be fully satisfied in God the Father alone. Mercy opened the door to reconciliation between a Holy God and sinful man.

My mind remembered the words: Kiss the Son.. so I have been reading
Psalm 2. Please take a few minutes and read all of this Psalm. I am using NIV and study notes from NIV. Peter and John in Acts 4:25 attribute this Psalm to David and it is known to originally be used for the coronation of Davidic kings. Some interesting insights that those from Western or European roots may not understand are found in v. 7-9. This section details the coronation of the Lord's Anointed One, the King. "You are my Son; today I have become your Father." NIV. The study notes shed some light on this. In the Near East the relationship between a great king and one of his subject kings who ruled by his authority and owed him allegiance was expressed not only by the words 'lord' and 'servant', but 'son' and 'father'. Read what God said about David in 2 Samuel 7:5, 14. God calls David both His son and His servant. At this point if you turn to Acts 13:33 and surrounding verses, you will gain some important insights of how Psalm 2:7-9 applies to Jesus' resurrection and future return to rule as King of kings. Of course Jesus is the eternal Son, but the actual change from the shadow of the Old Covenant to the reality of the New Covenant was accomplished by the sinless life, death on the cross and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Resurrection simply is proof that what Jesus had prophesied about His mission was true. He came to save sinners from the wrath of God by offering Himself upon the altar of the cross as the Perfect Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world. Salvation has always been from faith, not from keeping the Law. The Old simply points to the New. At the cross Grace Kissed Law and provision was made for Christ's righteousness to be transferred or imputed to all who would by faith come and repent of their sins and cast themselves on the mercy of God. By faith they would then enter into a new life. Does this mean that Jesus is NOT God? Does this mean that Jesus is some second, lesser God than the Father? No. But to fulfill the plan of God Jesus would enter time, incarnate as a perfect, sinless man and willingly lay aside some of His deity to live as a man, die as a man and then by His own power be raised from the dead. Jesus said that no one took His life-- He willingly laid it down and would by His own power take it up again. No other prophet made such a claim. With the exception of the Old Testament prophets Enoch and Elijah, all men have died or will die. [One future day these men will return and die on earth also.]

Let's move on to v. 12. "Kiss the Him homage.. Another text note says that the conquering Assyrian kings required that subjects submit to their authority and demonstrate this symbolically by kissing the feet of the king.
Kissing of one's feet? But how about Jesus? Did anyone ever do homage to Him by kissing His feet? Does Psalm 2 prophetically point to Him? We will discuss two times Jesus was kissed. The first is found in Luke 7:36-50. NASB.

"Now one of the Pharisees was requesting Him to dine with him, and He entered the Pharisee's house and reclined {at the table.} And there was a woman in the city who was a sinner; and when she learned that He was reclining {at the table} in the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster vial of perfume, and standing behind {Him} at His feet, weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears, and kept wiping them with the hair of her head, and kissing His feet and anointing them with the perfume. Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet He would know who and what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him, that she is a sinner." And Jesus answered him, "Simon, I have something to say to you." And he replied, "Say it, Teacher." "A moneylender had two debtors: one owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. "When they were unable to repay, he graciously forgave them both. So which of them will love him more?" Simon answered and said, "I suppose the one whom he forgave more." And He said to him, "You have judged correctly." Turning toward the woman, He said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has wet My feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. "You gave Me no kiss; but she, since the time I came in, has not ceased to kiss My feet. "You did not anoint My head with oil, but she anointed My feet with perfume. "For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little." Then He said to her, "Your sins have been forgiven." Those who were reclining {at the table} with Him began to say to themselves, "Who is this {man} who even forgives sins?" And He said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."

What can we learn from this story?
First who are the main characters? Simon, a Pharisee, who had invited Jesus for a meal. Jesus. Unidentified other guests. An unexpected stranger.. or we assume she is not known by the others. A woman 'of the streets'.. but a wealthy one. What happens? This woman had somehow heard about Jesus coming.. but she most certainly was NOT invited to this meal. However, we find her weeping, kneeling at Jesus' feet, and pouring an expensive bottle of perfume over His feet, kissing His feet, weeping uncontrollably. Wow. Quite a scene, huh? Responses noted? Simon seems quite uncomfortable with all of this. Embarrassed no doubt. Annoyed with Jesus for allowing such a scene in front of His guests. But Simon considers only the woman's sinful condition--not his own spiritual condition. Now Jesus, who being God, can see into the heart condition of all persons and even know our thoughts.. he perceived what Simon was thinking but not saying.. Hey if this Jesus knew what KIND OF WOMAN this is.. if He were a prophet--He would never allow her to even touch Him! Yuk.. dirty sinner! I mean she is just a common slut of the streets. Jesus: Note His response.. don't you love it? He did not even reveal He knew what Simon was thinking. Instead Jesus posed a hypothetical situation. At the end He asked Simon.. who do you think would be more grateful? Who would love the moneylender more? Simon was no doubt a shrew businessman. He realized the truth, the one who was forgiven more loved more. Then Jesus drops the bombshell. Hey Simon, you did not even extend the normal and customary hospitality of our culture that is offered even to our enemies! I was travel weary and got no chance to clean up before the meal. But this 'woman'.. she has washed my feet with her tears, anointed them with an expensive perfume, and demonstrated a penitent and contrite heart about her own sins. Kissing my feet is her sign of submission to my authority over her as her King. Her love as expressed in repentance and faith [she truly believed that Jesus had authority as God's Anointed One to forgive sins] results in her sins being paid for.. wiped out. The woman has said nothing in her own defense. She never once said that she had been doing some good things lately.. to try and make up for her 'mistakes'. She saw herself as a HELPLESS SINNER IN NEED OF GOD'S FORGIVENESS.

The Kiss of Contrition and Repentance and Faith.

Verse 50 makes it clear that it was her FAITH that saved her from God's wrath for her sins, not the act of coming and kissing Jesus' feet. No amount of external religious acts of washings or kneeling or prostrating ourselves can ever take care of our sin debt. This woman upon receiving the Word of God: Your sins are forgiven, go in peace-- could indeed depart in peace. Her peace came through the mercy of God in response to her repentance and faith.
The response of the other guests: Who is this that even forgives sins? That is my question for you, dear reader. Who indeed is Jesus? How can he claim to forgive sins? Jesus did NOT put the woman under any burden of rules or laws to keep. God is just and all sin must be punished. God made it clear from the time of Adam that sin brings death. Jesus did NOT just say, well such is life. Women mess up sometimes.. Think on these things. Right with God? Is it Earned or Imputed?

Here is an excellent John Piper Message called "Jesus: Equal with God". This explains the second part of the Title of this blog. It will tie in nicely with "Kiss the Son".

Let's take time to look into a contrasting "kiss" that Jesus received. I think most people have heard this story because I have yet to meet someone who has named their son after the main character in this story. This story is recorded in all four Gospels. We will use Mark 14:43-46. NASB "Immediately while He was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve, *came up accompanied by a crowd with swords and clubs, {who were} from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders. Now he who was betraying Him had given them a signal, saying, "Whomever I kiss, He is the one; seize Him and lead Him away under guard." After coming, Judas immediately went to Him, saying, "Rabbi!" and kissed Him. They laid hands on Him and seized Him." Luke's account has Jesus asking Judas: Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?

The Kiss of Betrayal.

Jesus clearly identifies His mission and His identity. The Son of Man, a clear reference to the prophetic word of Daniel chapter 7 which foretells the coming Messiah as the God/Man mediator between sinful man and holy God. This is the Kingdom of God Jesus brings! Reconciliation to God and restoration of fellowship between a Holy God and sinful man. Of course Judas Iscariot did not see the Messiah in such a role. Rather, the thief Judas thought only of an earthly Kingdom, an overthrow of the Roman Kingdom and no doubt a good position for himself in this new kingdom. [You may wish to read online the commentary of Matthew Henry about Daniel chapter 7. "Son of Man" is a key identification of Jesus as who He claimed to be, i.e, God's Anointed One.]

How about you dear reader? Which type of "kiss" will you greet Jesus with?

The Kiss of Contrition and Repentance and Faith.

The Kiss of Betrayal.

Will you experience God's mercy, forgiveness and life? Or God's wrath and judgment and eternal separation from God in the place of torment and suffering?
The Father's heart of Love is both just and merciful.
I love you all,
Auntie Ann

Monday, March 1, 2010

Resurrection Power and Reconciliation

Today is March 1st.
We awoke shrouded in fog this morning.

Fog is so wonderful, somewhat mystical-- insulating and shielding from view that which we know to be there..but cannot see clearly.

This message is about seeing clearly.

Revelation. Redemption. Restoration.

The murmuring complaints of the Redeemed are voiced in the Book of Numbers in the Old Testament. The rebellion of Korah and his 250 followers is recorded in chapter 16. Now these 250 were the choice leaders, men of renown. Important men. Their complaint? We are just as 'holy' as you are, Moses and Aaron. We will mediate our own sins. So Moses gave a test to show what God thought of this. The 250 and their leaders were to offer incense to the Lord, using bronze censers. Firepans. Korah was from the tribe of Levi, same as Moses and his brother, Aaron.
However, the priesthood functioned only through the line of Aaron. The priest was the mediator between Holy God and sinful Man. Perhaps the Korahites thought they were 'good enough' to mediate between God and Man. Reading further, just minutes after Moses prophesied that the ground would swallow up those who were in agreement with these men, God did just this! Their households, including all of their possessions, went down alive to Sheol. What happened to the 250 men? They became the Lord's burnt offering, so to speak.. Fire came from God and burned them alive. The censers were recovered and kept as a reminder that no layman who was not of the priesthood of Aaron should ever come near to burn incense before the Lord. God was not fully done with His wrath against the sins of the people. The plague killed another 14,700. Only the quick and sacrificial action of Aaron and Moses kept the number this low.
So what should we learn from this story? What should the Jews have learned?
First, God is Holy. God is Sovereign and can decide how He will relate to Sinful Man. These men did not just make a mistake. They were in open rebellion against God.
Second, There must be a mediator to atone for the sins of man against God. This mediator is chosen by God. Not by man. So one religion is not as good as another. Our own good works fall short of what God demands. We can in no way make ourselves right in God's sight.
Third, God is not capricious. He does not change His mind or His overall plan from Eternity Past. Redemption is not an emergency plan thought out after Adam's sin.
Continuing the story: God knows the heart of sinful man. God knew that although the grave diggers would be quite busy for awhile, burying those almost 15,000 dead ones, the people would continue to grumble.
God told Moses to select a man from each of the 12 tribes bring a rod to Aaron. They were to write the name of the tribe on the rod. Now these rods were sticks. Dead wood from a tree that was once alive. But no hint of life in these sticks. In the Bible a rod represents authority.
The 12 rods were to be left near where God would meet with Moses to talk. God told Moses that the rod of the tribe God has chosen to be priestly intercessor would sprout. Of course the people had just learned that it was from the tribe of Levi, specifically Aaron and his sons who would mediate the Covenant God had made with Israel. How would God confirm the Aaronic priesthood?
On the next day Moses went into the tent of the testimony. Can you guess what he found? Aaron's rod had sprouted, blossomed and produced mature almonds! The other rods were still dead sticks.
I puzzled over this message from the Holy Bible. Why the sprouting ? What does this mean? Then I read a commentator who explained that the rod that sprouted, blossomed, and bore fruit.. represented resurrected life. Dead, then alive. Spring time is almost here. The seeds which have lain dormant all winter will soon sprout and grow and produce again in accordance with God's laws of the harvest. But there is still a germ of life in those seeds. They do NOT resurrect from the dead.
This rod had no life.
But it came to life and even bore fruit.
Resurrection and fruitfulness confirmed Priesthood and Mediation.
Aaron's rod points us forward to Another Who would be of a different priesthood. He would be called The Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world. His priesthood would be of a new order. Not of the tribe of Levi, but of the Tribe of Judah, He would be called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. His priesthood would not be limited as was Aaron's who would one day die. This priesthood would be forever.
Resurrection life would identify this new priest.
Who is this? We know of course from the Scriptures that this is Yeshua, Jesus, the Messiah. The New Testament book called Hebrews describes Jesus, our Great High Priest, and how He is foretold throughout the Old Testament.
But when was this priesthood of Jesus established? After He died on the cross? No, remember God chose and appointed the priests of the Old Testament. They did nothing to earn or merit this. So when was Jesus chosen? Hebrews 5 quotes from Psalms 2 and 110 which Jesus also quoted in Matthew 22. Jesus is a priest forever... His authority came from God.
Jesus was chosen priest from the foundation of the world. Before the fall of man. Revelation 13:8 says this about Him:
...Lamb that was slain [in sacrifice] from the foundation of the world...Amp NT.
So Jesus is not only prophet-- He is priest, sacrificial offering, king and God.
His resurrection validates this truth..

How is Jesus King? The Kingdom of God is within. It is a spiritual kingdom that can only be entered by a new spiritual birth. There must be a mediator who represents us in the presence of God. This can only be Jesus, our Great High Priest. He took upon Himself the full wrath of God against our sins. God judged Jesus for our sins. Jesus became sin Who knew no sin. The great exchange. His righteousness for our rebellion.
All who repent [believe that they are indeed helpless sinners in need of someone to rescue them from the power of evil and death and to put them into right relationship with God] and who trust the One who by His substitutionary death secured not only pardon but reconciliation with God on their behalf.. all who are called by God into His kingdom.. they will be called sons of God and live to glorify and honor Him forever.
This new birth happens when we are alive on this earth. After our bodies die, it is too late. After death comes the judgment of God. No amount of good works can lessen the penalty for our sins. Our good deeds at best seem to God as dirty garments. Only those whose robes have been cleansed in the shed blood of Jesus will be allowed into God's holy heaven.

How about you? Are you in a spiritual 'fog'?

Pray and seek God for your salvation--your reconciliation to God. Cry out and do not stop until He hears and has mercy on you. You might cry out the words to this old hymn as a start.. Open my eyes, Lord, I want to see Jesus.. to reach out and touch Him..
All who 'touch' Him experience healing of their sin-sick souls. Touch Him by grace through faith. Both grace and faith are gifts of God.
The priesthood of God that leads to eternal life first had to come from above.. then return with the declaration: It is Finished! Christ Jesus triumphantly spoke these words as He laid down His life on the cross. There He conquered Death, which is what keeps us estranged from meaningful relationship with God.

His resurrection proved that indeed.. IT IS FINISHED..!!
Wouldn't you like to see the finish of your inner turmoil-- your sense that something is wrong or just plain missing in your life?
Come to Jesus.. as a sinner.. come and repent and believe the Good News of the One Who died so you can live. Jesus turn away NO ONE who comes by faith and repentance.

The winds of change are blowing.. respond now to the wind of the Holy Spirit of God.
Begin living Resurrection Life.
I love you all..
Auntie Ann

Friday, January 22, 2010


I have been thinking about 'walking' for some months now. In June 2009 my back broke in four places. I have used a 'walker' since that time. I live in a rural area and the last eleven years have enjoyed almost daily 'walks' of over one mile. I miss this so very much.
But I have learned so much about a different use of our word 'walk'. Our 'walk' can refer to our way of living. You may have heard: "A person's walk should match his talk." This means what we say we believe should be demonstrated in how we live.
In addition 'walk' can mean 'way' or 'path'. This implies the idea of a destination. A path leads somewhere. Many years ago when I was about age 14 we studied a poem in school changed my life. The poem is "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. I want to mention only the last stanza.
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."

I am by no means a Robert Frost fan. He and I are miles apart in our worldview. But God used this poem to give me the power to say 'no' to certain things and to stay focused on what would be His will for my life.. a life wholly given over to walk along the path prepared just for me by the One Who loved me enough to die in my place. But we are getting ahead of our story.
At age 14 I wanted to 'walk' with a sense of purpose and perseverance.
I had a sense that a life that counts must involve a degree of self denial.

I began to think of the deep questions of life:
Who am I?
Why am I here?
What should I do with my life?

Where do I look to find these answers?

Following my conversion to Christ Jesus by means of grace through faith in Christ Jesus, my 'guidebook' for living became the Bible.
The Bible gives light or understanding to our walk. Psalm 119:105 says God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. How so? Psalm 119:130 explains further. The unfolding of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. "Unfolding" here means like a door or entrance.
A casual reading of the Scriptures is not sufficient to find the light or understanding we need to live a life that will count in eternity.
Here are just a few references as to how one should walk, according to the Bible.

1. We are to walk according to God's commandments.
2. We are to walk as Jesus walked. How did Jesus walk? He tells us this in John's Gospel. Jesus always did the will of God, the Father. See John 4:34; 5:30; 6:38-40. Jesus expects us to live the same way!

3. We will walk in humility of mind, considering others as more important than ourselves. [see Philippians 2:3-8].
4. We will walk in love. If you love Me, you will obey My commands. John 14. Not the gushy, sentimental, romantic, sensual type of love. Rather the commands of Christ, which begin with "repent". Continue with "you must be born again". How many of Christ's commands do you know of, let alone keep? Ephesians 5:2 tells us what it looks like to 'walk in love'. A careful reading of all of Ephesians 5 will give you great understanding of what walking in love looks like.
5. We are to walk in faith.. not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7.

6. We will walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. Everyone likes the idea of power. But power is about doing what we ought, not what we want. In fact to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit means to walk in the midst of a great war. Not peace. Galatians 5:17 ESV says "For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do."

If there is no struggle in our lives to walk the walk that pleases God, then we are most to be pitied and should be careful to see whether we are indeed in the faith.

7. Romans 6:4 says that we are to walk in newness of life. The old life must be crucified with Christ.

8. We are to walk in forgiveness and reconciliation. Forgiveness is NOT saying : I apologize.
Forgiveness is a promise. Forgiveness is choosing not to hold an offense against another. Forgiveness chooses not to remember and not to bring up this issue again with the other person or anyone else including with our selves. Should our mind begin to think again of the offense we must immediately replace that thought with thankfulness to God that He has chosen to not remember our much greater sins against Him.

9. We will walk in God's ways. Many times God asked this of His chosen people. There were promises of blessings for doing this and punishment for failing to do so. What are His ways? His moral ways as made clear in His commands and shown by Who He is. This includes truth, righteousness, light, purity.

How are we NOT to walk? Psalm 1 says NOT in the counsel of the ungodly. Where do you get your guidance? We are NOT to walk in the imagination of our own hearts and after other gods [Jer. 13:10] or walk in lies. We are not to walk in darkness.

But what happens when we feel we simply cannot walk another step? We are weary of body, mind or soul. Downtrodden and despairing. We are to look upward. We are to "walk on." Suffering is a prism through which we see life is quite a different way.
Paul prayed three times for relief from a 'thorn' in the flesh. God's answer:“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 NKJV.

I am not yet at the point of 'boasting' about my infirmities. But I am by God's grace moving in that direction.

My goal is to be fully satisfied with God alone.
My goal is God Himself. I am asking God to remove any distractions.

Mollie Jo and Caleb Cassidy said so well in their song, "Wait On".. To walk with God, no strength is lost, walk on.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Seasons of Life

I trust your new year is going well. Today marks the seventh anniversary of when my mother died. She left a great legacy for me. I would like to share some memories plus give you a link where you can read the pdf of a little book I wrote after her death. The title is Teaching Observation Skills.. Steps to Servanthood.
Our family is listening to a tape book called The Power of Communication by Kenneth Erickson. This is my husband, son and myself. Of course it was my idea to have each of us listen to the book. Smile. So why a book about communication? Don't we enjoy Google, Facebook, My Space, Twitter, G Mail, Skype, Cell phones, Instant Messenger.. whew, I know I have left some out.
So to clarify, let's define 'communication' as this book does. Communication only occurs when the one attempting to communicate what is in his/her mind is understood by the listener. So this is not the same as transfer of information. Big smile.
I have experienced in my relatively short life time an incredible growth of information technology that has changed the world. I can talk to a man in Algeria who speaks only French and use Google translator tool and have a fairly successful 'conversation'. I speak very little French. He speaks no English.

I can see a video of someone knocking down the Pope.

I can see a satellite picture of the home where I live even showing our old cars parked outside.

But somewhat troubling to me is with this growth in IT, there has been a real decline in the quality and quantity of communication. Dialogue is almost non-existent. Whatever happened to the 'front porch' of the 1950s? Why don't most people read much? 'Think' even less?
With the information glut surrounding each of us, how do we choose who to listen to or watch on you tube or the other myriads of visual and verbal recordings or live broadcasts via internet? Why do so many people continue to forward messages that are not even true and they don't take time to check out the implications of sending on lies?
Whatever happened to 'real' relationships? Or soon will the world be 'virtual'?
So am I saying throw away your computer and veg out in your lawn chair or front porch chaise? No of course not.
But it is time to seriously think about how short life is.. and what we will say to the One who asks for an account of every word we spoke and every deed done in the body.
It is also time to re-evaluate how well we communicate.
What part of 'communication' is not working so well.. I think it is the listening part. We are too busy or too proud to put in the effort to spend enough time or to be honest enough to truly make sure the listener will understand us. Maybe we don't want to be understood. Maybe we are afraid of the growing of a relationship that accompanies open and honest communication. Sharing information isn't safe. Communication can cause us to look deep within and maybe not like what we see.
As to Who is trying to communicate with us and why.. look up! Psalm 19 states that the heavens declare the glory of God; their expanse declares His works. What is God saying? Is nature the ONLY way He communicates?
God has spoken in the last times through His Son, Jesus Christ. You can read this in the New Testament book of Hebrews. This book also tells us it is a good idea to listen to what He says. Reading the Bible is the best way to open up dialogue and communication with God. Here is a great website where you can do all sorts of Bible study, listen on audio, have your own Bible reading schedule. I encourage you to pick a method, commit time to reading the Bible and see what God is saying to YOU this year! You will not be bored or disappointed.

Next time we will discuss communication more in detail. Write me back and let me know your thoughts on this subject. I hope you start with listening and dialoguing with the One who Loved you enough to die in your place so you could enjoy communing with Him forever.