So what is the point? That I didn't look at the map too closely? Or maybe not at all?
The point is about something a bit more serious. Have you noticed that many on the road of life are not taking much thought about how to reach their final destination? I mean "eternity". When asked, most say, yes, of course I wish to go to heaven! But are they on the right road? The Bible says there is only one way.. only one road to heaven. Are YOU on the right road? Here is what Jesus taught in Matthew chapter 7:13-14 NLT “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it."
What do you think about these words? Pretty frightening, yes? My blog is called Winds of Change.. I can assure you that if you make a visit to the Grand Canyon, you will see why I wear a headscarf. The wind will be blowing and it changes direction quite often. We are living in times of serious problems worldwide. The winds are changing. I hope to put on some information each time I blog about what YOU can do to prepare for these changes. For those on the road to life, these will be very exciting times. For others, I hope you will check out some of the links I put up. They will give you information you will need about how YOU can enter God's Kingdom. How you can be sure you will reach your planned destination.
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