Monday, December 31, 2012

We begin a new year.  Yet each page on our calendar is tentative.  What do I mean?  We may not live to see this day come.  Or the Lord may descend and time as we know it will cease.  What really does the Lord wish of each of us this year?
To love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, strength and mind.  To love our neighbor as ourselves.  Jesus said this sums up the law.
Jesus also told His disciples, to go and under His authority, to make disciples of all the nations, teaching them all things Jesus had commanded, baptizing them into the new life found in the work of the Father who sent the Son who was given the power of the Holy Spirit to perform such signs and miracles to prove that truly God, the Eternal Son had come to bring light into the darkness of the cursed world.  Many of you probably sang this last week.. "far as the curse is found" of the lines of Joy to the World.
I encourage you this year to look with eyes of faith to how God will use YOU to be part of this work of His; to see His kingdom come on earth as in the heaven already His will rules.  Start with a regular time of reading of the Word of God with the intent of obeying all you read.  Write down what you learn.  Find an accountability partner who truly loves you enough to speak into your life.  Local church, not blog or social media church.
Write me as my blog title remains: Devoted to Prayer.  Part  of this prayer time includes intercession for all men [and women].
Riches and treasures found only in Christ Jesus be yours in 2013.

It is not Death to Die

Friday, December 14, 2012

Bow the Knee - YouTube

Bow the Knee - YouTube  One day every knee will bow.. willingly or unwillingly.  Jesus IS the  only way to the Father.  Eternal life is to KNOW God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.!