I want to thank all of you who have been praying for my health. I have learned much from the Lord during this time!
Several months ago I read a book by Dr. Paul Brand, a pioneer in the treatment and rehabilitation of leprosy patients of the last century. The title is "He Satisfies My Soul". Chapter 18 entitled "The Lord's Breakfast" focuses on the story of Peter and some other disciples going fishing one night.. after the resurrection of Jesus and His appearance to the disciples in His scarred, resurrected Body. John 20:21 records the new commission to His followers: "As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you." NIV.
So why did Peter go fishing? The author reflects that Peter must have been unclear on why Jesus did NOT set the Jewish people free from the rule of the cruel Romans. After all, this was the popular notion of what the Jewish Messiah was supposed to do when He came. Instead, Jesus died as a common criminal and brought disgrace and shame on His followers. Jesus even said those incredible words from the cross shortly before He died: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." see Luke 23:34. What kind of a King would speak such words of "weakness"?
The disciples had been arguing about who was the greatest at the Last Passover Supper.. dreaming of who would have which position in the New Kingdom of God on earth. But of course Jesus came to bring first an internal kingdom--one which requires a "new heart".
Jesus was returning to Heaven. There would be no coup against the Roman rule, no release from poverty, persecution, rejection and even possible death .. did Peter really WANT to continue to follow this kind of "leader"?
So Dr. Brand comments that perhaps Peter just needed some "time to think things through". What did "following Jesus" really mean?
This fishing trip was Peter's "MOMENT OF TRUTH". For three years Peter had committed his whole life to following Jesus. Was He willing to go forward with this commitment? Or should he go back to the old life and fish?
As you read the story in John chapter 20-21, you will notice that the men did not catch a single fish. Someone on the shore called to them and asked if they had caught any fish. They said "No", then this stranger said: Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some [fish]. As He had said, the net was so full, it was breaking! A record catch! Suddenly John the Apostle, recognized the Stranger as Jesus. It is the Lord! Impulsive Peter swam to shore, the others followed in the boat with the fish. On shore they noticed that there was a fire, some fish and some bread.. breakfast in the making! Must have looked good to tired, hungry fishermen. Jesus invited them to bring some of the 153 fish and join Him for breakfast.
After eating, Jesus then asks Peter a very strange question: "Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?" John 21:15 NIV. Ever wonder what the "more than these" refers to? The author makes 3 suggestions. 1. Peter was the one who had boasted that even if ALL OTHERS deserted Jesus, Peter would be faithful. Of course, we know Peter denied even knowing Jesus 3 times and even cursed His Name. So more than the other disciples loved Jesus? Hmmm.. 2. More than Peter's old friends. Peter was seemingly trying to go back to his old lifestyle. 3. The big catch of fish was worth a substantial amount of money. Was Peter willing to abandon a lucrative business venture and choose a life of poverty, living as a fugitive, hand-to-mouth, depending wholly on the provision of God?
We know from the Book of Acts that Peter was changed by this Breakfast with Jesus. He no longer boasted about his love for the Lord or his courage or how he was better than anyone else. He received the commission from Jesus to "feed My sheep", "take care of My lambs". He knew following Jesus would require the power from God through the Holy Spirit which Jesus promised would come to indwell and empower His followers after He returned to heaven. Those things which may have crept into Peter's life that were competing loyalties to complete obedience and loyalty to Christ Jesus were exposed and removed from Peter's life. Peter's response would be "Yes, Lord". In fact to say "Lord" and to say NO at the same time is a spiritual oxymoron.
So at this Breakfast with Jesus, first loyalties were taken care of, priorities put into place and a wonderful time of fellowship and peace was enjoyed. Peter first acknowledged the Presence of Jesus and His Lordship. After severe testing, fellowship and love had been restored. A clear understanding of Peter's life work was given at the end of this wonderful meal.
If you are a child of God, you will face the MOMENT OF TRUTH . A time of testing of your loyalty to Christ and whether you will continue in surrender to His will in your life. You may be tested by other competing affections, or severe affliction, either physical or spiritual or emotional. You may have multiple Moments of Truth.
The author suggests that local believers should regularly meet together to celebrate a communal breakfast with Jesus-- the "Lord's Breakfast" where He meets with us as we renew our vows and share His presence and words of commission and encouragement and restoration.
I think this is a great idea. Write me and let me know what you think about John 21.
You can find "He Satisfies My Soul" by Dr. Paul Brand from http://www.dhp.org/.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
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